Good and bad, customer feedback is a gift and something we believe is essential for both business and product development.
At Heaford we pride ourselves on our customer relationships and actively encourage feedback. It’s vital that we understand what our customers and our agents think of our products to help us develop new products for the future that not only meet but exceed our customer expectations.

We were particularly thrilled recently to receive this wonderful feedback from our agent in Canada, Canflexo from their customer Wally Robins, President & CEO, Canada Ticket Inc who commented:

“The Heaford AutoMounter has been a game changer for Canada Ticket without question.
We’re experiencing saved plate mounting times, but the greatest savings have been from the substantial decrease in setup time and wasted material on press. Operators stretching plates and remounting on press is a thing of the past.
We project return on investment to be less than two years. “
#TeamHeaford would like to take the opportunity to thank our agent in Canada, Canflexo for all their support, commitment and hard work, along with Wally and his team at Canada Ticket– it’s a pleasure working with you.
We will be bringing you more on both Canflexo and Canada Ticket very soon … watch this space.